According to the Course Reading, Egyptian Faience...
Horus | |
![]() Horus was often the ancient Egyptians' national tutelary deity. He was ordinarily depicted as a falcon-headed man wearing the pschent, or a red and white crown, as a symbol of kingship over the entire kingdom of Egypt. | |
Name in hieroglyphs | |
Major cult center | Nekhen, Edfu[1] |
Symbol | Eye of Horus |
Personal information | |
Parents | Osiris and Isis, Osiris and Nephthys,[2] Hathor[3] |
Siblings | Anubis,[a] Bastet[b] |
Consort | Hathor, Isis, [iv] Nephthys[v] |
Offspring | Ihy, Iv Sons of Horus (Horus the Elder) |
Horus or Heru, Hor, Har in Ancient Egyptian, is one of the most pregnant ancient Egyptian deities who served many functions, almost notably god of kingship and the sky. He was worshipped from at to the lowest degree the belatedly prehistoric Egypt until the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman Egypt. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history and these are treated as distinct gods by Egyptologists.[half-dozen] These various forms may possibly be different manifestations of the same multi-layered deity in which sure attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasized, not necessarily in opposition merely complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality.[seven] He was near frequently depicted as a falcon, most probable a lanner falcon or peregrine falcon, or as a man with a falcon head.[8]
The earliest recorded form of Horus is the tutelary deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt, who is the first known national god, specifically related to the ruling pharaoh who in fourth dimension came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in expiry.[six] The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus every bit the son of Isis and Osiris, and he plays a fundamental role in the Osiris myth as Osiris's heir and the rival to Set, the murderer and brother of Osiris. In another tradition Hathor is regarded every bit his mother and sometimes equally his wife.[6]
Claudius Aelianus wrote that Egyptians called the god Apollo "Horus" in their own language.[ix]
Etymology [edit]
ḥr "Horus" |
Egyptian hieroglyphs |
Horus is recorded in Egyptian hieroglyphs as ḥr.west "Falcon"; the original pronunciation has been reconstructed equally /ˈħaːɾuw/ in Old Egyptian and early on Center Egyptian, /ˈħaːɾəʔ/ in later Center Egyptian, and /ˈħoːɾ(ə)/ in Belatedly Egyptian. Additional meanings are thought to have been "the distant 1" or "one who is to a higher place, over".[x] As the linguistic communication changed over fourth dimension, it appeared in Coptic varieties variously as /hoːɾ/ or /ħoːɾ/ and was adopted into ancient Greek as Ὧρος Hōros (pronounced at the time equally /hɔ̂ːros/). It likewise survives in Late Egyptian and Coptic theophoric proper noun forms such equally Siese "son of Isis" and Harsiese "Horus, Son of Isis".
Nekheny may have been another falcon god worshipped at Nekhen, city of the falcon, with whom Horus was identified from early on on.
Horus may be shown equally a falcon on the Narmer Palette, dating from most the 31st century BC.
Horus and the pharaoh [edit]
The Pyramid Texts (c. 2400–2300 BC) draw the nature of the pharaoh in different characters as both Horus and Osiris. The pharaoh as Horus in life became the pharaoh as Osiris in death, where he was united with the other gods. New incarnations of Horus succeeded the deceased pharaoh on earth in the grade of new pharaohs.[11]
The lineage of Horus, the eventual product of unions between the children of Atum, may have been a means to explain and justify pharaonic power. The gods produced by Atum were all representative of catholic and terrestrial forces in Egyptian life. Past identifying Horus every bit the offspring of these forces, then identifying him with Atum himself, and finally identifying the Pharaoh with Horus, the Pharaoh theologically had dominion over all the world.
Origin mythology [edit]
Horus was born to the goddess Isis after she retrieved all the dismembered torso parts of her murdered husband Osiris, except his penis, which was thrown into the Nile and eaten by a catfish,[12] [xiii] or sometimes depicted every bit instead past a crab, and according to Plutarch's account used her magic powers to resurrect Osiris and fashion a phallus[fourteen] to conceive her son (older Egyptian accounts accept the penis of Osiris surviving).
Afterward becoming pregnant with Horus, Isis fled to the Nile Delta marshlands to hibernate from her blood brother Set, who jealously killed Osiris and who she knew would want to kill their son.[xv] At that place Isis bore a divine son, Horus.
Genealogy [edit]
Ra God of the sun | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tefnut | Shu | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Geb | Nut | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Isis | Osiris | Nephthys | Set up | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Horus | Hathor | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mythological roles [edit]
rˁ-ḥr-3ḫty "Ra-Horakhty" |
Egyptian hieroglyphs |
Heaven god [edit]
Since Horus was said to be the sky, he was considered to too contain the Sunday and Moon.[16] Egyptians believed that the Sun was his right eye and the Moon his left, and that they traversed the sky when he, a falcon, flew across it.[17] Afterward, the reason that the Moon was not as bright as the Sunday was explained past a tale, known as The Contendings of Horus and Seth. In this tale, it was said that Set up, the patron of Upper Egypt, and Horus, the patron of Lower Arab republic of egypt, had battled for Egypt brutally, with neither side victorious, until eventually, the gods sided with Horus.
Every bit Horus was the ultimate victor he became known equally ḥr.due west wr "Horus the Great", just more usually translated "Horus the Elder". In the struggle, Set had lost a testicle, and Horus' eye was gouged out.
Horus was occasionally shown in art equally a naked male child with a finger in his mouth sitting on a lotus with his mother. In the class of a youth, Horus was referred to as nfr ḥr.due west "Practiced Horus", transliterated Neferhor, Nephoros or Nopheros (reconstructed every bit naːfiru ħaːruw).
The Middle of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and royal power from deities, in this case from Horus or Ra. The symbol is seen on images of Horus' mother, Isis, and on other deities associated with her. In the Egyptian language, the discussion for this symbol was "wedjat" (wɟt).[18] [19] It was the eye of 1 of the earliest of Egyptian deities, Wadjet, who later became associated with Bastet, Mut, and Hathor every bit well. Wadjet was a solar deity and this symbol began as her all-seeing center. In early artwork, Hathor is besides depicted with this eye.[20] Funerary amulets were frequently fabricated in the shape of the Eye of Horus. The Wedjat or Eye of Horus is "the central chemical element" of seven "gold, faience, carnelian and lapis lazuli" bracelets found on the mummy of Shoshenq Ii.[21] The Wedjat "was intended to protect the king [here] in the afterlife"[21] and to ward off evil. Egyptian and Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their vessel to ensure safe sea travel.[22]
Conflict between Horus and Gear up [edit]
Horus was told by his mother, Isis, to protect the people of Egypt from Set, the god of the desert, who had killed Horus' begetter, Osiris.[23] [24] Horus had many battles with Set, not merely to avenge his father, but to choose the rightful ruler of Egypt. In these battles, Horus came to be associated with Lower Egypt, and became its patron.
Co-ordinate to The Contendings of Horus and Seth, Ready is depicted as trying to prove his potency past seducing Horus and then having sexual intercourse with him. However, Horus places his hand between his thighs and catches Gear up's semen, so later on throws information technology in the river so that he may not be said to have been inseminated by Set. Horus (or Isis herself in some versions) and so deliberately spreads his own semen on some lettuce, which was Set'due south favorite food. After Set had eaten the lettuce, they went to the gods to try to settle the argument over the dominion of Arab republic of egypt. The gods first listened to Set up's merits of dominance over Horus, and telephone call his semen forth, only information technology answered from the river, invalidating his claim. And then, the gods listened to Horus' claim of having dominated Prepare, and call his semen forth, and it answered from inside Set.[25] [26]
Figure of a Horus Falcon, between circa 300 and circa 250 BC (Greco-Roman).[27] The Walters Art Museum.
However, Set yet refused to relent, and the other gods were getting tired from over eighty years of fighting and challenges. Horus and Set challenged each other to a boat race, where they each raced in a boat fabricated of stone. Horus and Fix agreed, and the race started. But Horus had an edge: his gunkhole was made of forest painted to resemble stone, rather than true stone. Set up's gunkhole, existence made of heavy rock, sank, but Horus' did not. Horus then won the race, and Set stepped down and officially gave Horus the throne of Egypt.[28] After the New Kingdom, Fix was still considered lord of the desert and its oases.[29]
In many versions of the story, Horus and Set separate the realm between them. This division can be equated with any of several fundamental dualities that the Egyptians saw in their world. Horus may receive the fertile lands effectually the Nile, the core of Egyptian civilization, in which case Set takes the barren desert or the foreign lands that are associated with it; Horus may dominion the earth while Ready dwells in the sky; and each god may take one of the two traditional halves of the land, Upper and Lower Egypt, in which case either god may be connected with either region. All the same in the Memphite Theology, Geb, as judge, first apportions the realm between the claimants and so reverses himself, application sole control to Horus. In this peaceable spousal relationship, Horus and Set are reconciled, and the dualities that they stand for have been resolved into a united whole. Through this resolution, guild is restored after the tumultuous conflict.[30]
Egyptologists have ofttimes tried to connect the conflict between the two gods with political events early on in Egypt'southward history or prehistory. The cases in which the combatants dissever the kingdom, and the frequent clan of the paired Horus and Gear up with the union of Upper and Lower Egypt, suggest that the two deities represent some kind of division within the country. Egyptian tradition and archaeological show indicate that Egypt was united at the kickoff of its history when an Upper Egyptian kingdom, in the south, conquered Lower Egypt in the north. The Upper Egyptian rulers chosen themselves "followers of Horus", and Horus became the tutelary deity of the unified polity and its kings. Even so Horus and Prepare cannot exist easily equated with the 2 halves of the country. Both deities had several cult centers in each region, and Horus is often associated with Lower Arab republic of egypt and Set with Upper Egypt. Other events may take as well afflicted the myth. Before even Upper Egypt had a unmarried ruler, 2 of its major cities were Nekhen, in the far s, and Nagada, many miles to the north. The rulers of Nekhen, where Horus was the patron deity, are generally believed to have unified Upper Egypt, including Nagada, nether their sway. Set up was associated with Nagada, so information technology is possible that the divine disharmonize dimly reflects an enmity between the cities in the distant past. Much later, at the end of the Second Dynasty (c. 2890–2686 BCE), Pharaoh Seth-Peribsen used the Set animal to writing his serekh name in place of the falcon hieroglyph representing Horus. His successor Khasekhemwy used both Horus and Set in the writing of his serekh. This prove has prompted conjecture that the 2d Dynasty saw a clash between the followers of the Horus male monarch and the worshippers of Set led by Seth-Peribsen. Khasekhemwy'south apply of the two animal symbols would and then correspond the reconciliation of the ii factions, as does the resolution of the myth.[31]
Golden Horus Osiris [edit]
Horus gradually took on the nature every bit both the son of Osiris and Osiris himself. He was referred to as Gilt Horus Osiris.[32] [33] [34] [35] [36] In the temple of Denderah he is given the full regal titulary of both that of Horus and Osiris. He was sometimes believed to be both the begetter of himself besides every bit his own son, and some after accounts have Osiris being brought back to life past Isis.[37]
Other forms of Horus [edit]
Heru-ur | |
![]() | |
Major cult center | Heliopolis, Gizah |
Symbol | hawk-headed man |
Personal information | |
Parents | Geb and Nut |
Siblings | Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys |
Consort | Serqet, Hathor |
Offspring | Imset, Hapi, Duamutef, Qebehsenuef |
Heru-ur (Horus the Elderberry) [edit]
Heru-ur (or Herwer), (Haroeris to the Ptolemaic Greeks), also known as Horus the Elderberry , was a form of Horus, where he was the son of Geb and Nut. He was 1 of the oldest gods of ancient Arab republic of egypt. He absorbed a number of local gods including a hawk god Nekheny the nome of Nekhen and Wer (a god of light known as "the great one" whose eyes were the sun and moon) to become the patron of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis), the outset national god ("God of the Kingdom") and later the patron god of the pharaohs. Nekhen was a powerful city in the pre-dynastic catamenia, and the early capital of Upper Egypt. By the Old Kingdom he was simply referred to equally Horus and had become the offset national god and the patron of the Pharaoh.[38]
He was chosen the son of truth[39] – signifying his role equally an of import upholder of Maat. His right eye was the Sunday and the left 1 was the Moon. Heru-ur was sometimes depicted fully as a falcon, he was sometimes given the title Kemwer, pregnant "(the) bang-up blackness (1)".
Other variants include Hor Merti 'Horus of the two eyes' and Horkhenti Irti.[40]
Heru-pa-khered (Horus the Younger) [edit]
Heru-pa-khered (Harpocrates to the Ptolemaic Greeks), also known every bit Horus the Younger, is represented in the class of a youth wearing a lock of hair (a sign of youth) on the correct of his head while sucking his finger. In addition, he unremarkably wears the united crowns of Egypt, the crown of Upper Egypt and the crown of Lower Egypt. He is a form of the rising sun, representing its earliest light.[38]
Heru-Behdeti (Horus of Behdet) [edit]
The winged lord's day of Horus of Edfu and depicted on the elevation of pylons in the ancient temples throughout Egypt.
Her-em-akhet (Greek: Harmakhis), the wall relief of a hieracosphinx depicted at the Temple of Horus in Edfu
Her-em-akhet (Horus in the Horizon) [edit]
Her-em-akhet (or Horemakhet), ( Harmakhis in Greek), represented the dawn and the early morning lord's day. He was often depicted equally a sphinx with the head of a man (like the Great Sphinx of Giza), or as a hieracosphinx, a creature with a lion'south torso and a falcon's caput and wings, sometimes with the head of a king of beasts or ram (the latter providing a link to the god Khepri, the ascension sun). It was believed that he was the inspiration for the Great Sphinx of Giza, constructed under the gild of Khafre, whose head information technology depicts.
Other forms of Horus include:
- Hor Merti ('Horus of the 2 Optics');
- Horkhenti Irti ;[40]
- Her-sema-tawy ('Horus Uniter of the Two Lands'), the Greek Harsomptus, depicted like the double-crowned Horus
- Her-iunmutef or Iunmutef , depicted equally a priest with a leopard-skin over the body;
- Herui (the "double falcon or Horuses"), the 5th nome god of Upper Egypt in Coptos
Her-sema-tawy ('Horus, Uniter of the Two Lands'), tying the papyrus and reed plants in the sema tawy symbol for the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt opposite with Gear up (Sutekh)
Celebrations of Horus [edit]
The Festival of Victory (Egyptian: Heb Nekhtet) was an annual Egyptian festival defended to the god Horus. The Festival of Victory was celebrated at the Temple of Horus at Edfu, and took place during the second month of the Season of the Emergence (or the sixth month of the Egyptian calendar).
The ceremonies which took place during the Festival of Victory included the operation of a sacred drama which commemorated the victory of Horus over Set. The principal actor in this drama was the rex of Egypt himself, who played the function of Horus. His adversary was a hippopotamus, who played the role of Set. In the course of the ritual, the male monarch would strike the hippopotamus with a harpoon. The destruction of the hippopotamus by the king commemorated the defeat of Prepare by Horus, which also legitimised the king.
It is unlikely that the king attended the Festival of Victory every year; in many cases he was probably represented by a priest. It is besides unlikely that a real hippopotamus was used in the festival every year; in many cases information technology was probably represented past a model.[41]
The 4th-century Roman author Macrobius mentions another annual Egyptian festival dedicated to Horus in his Chronicon. Macrobius specifies this festival every bit occurring on the winter solstice. The 4th-century Christian bishop Epiphanius of Salamis likewise mentions a wintertime solstice festival of Horus in his Panarion.[42] However, this festival is not attested in whatever native Egyptian sources.
In popular culture [edit]
Influences on Christianity [edit]
William R. Cooper's 1877 book and Acharya Southward'southward cocky-published 2008 book, amidst others, accept suggested that at that place are many similarities between the story of Horus and the much later story of Jesus.[43] [44] This outlook remains controversial and is disputed by both Christian and not-Christian scholars.[45] [46] [47] [48]
Gallery [edit]
Falcon Horus, deity of Hierakonpolis, on a Naqada IIC jar, circa 3500 BCE, British Museum EA36328.[49] [fifty]
God Horus equally a falcon wearing the Double Crown of Egypt. 27th dynasty. State Museum of Egyptian Fine art, Munich
Horus, patron deity of Hierakonpolis (near Edfu), the predynastic capital letter of Upper Egypt. Its head was executed by means of beating the gold then connecting it with the copper torso. A uraeus is fixed to the diadem which supports two alpine openwork feathers. The eyes are inlaid with obsidian. Sixth Dynasty.
A mod drawing of Har-em-akhet, a form of Horus in which he had the body of a lion, based on depictions from antiquity
Meet also [edit]
- Militarist of Quraish
- Osiris myth
- Falcon
Notes [edit]
- ^ (in some accounts)
- ^ (rarely attested)
References [edit]
- ^ Sims, Lesley (2000). "Gods & goddesses". A Visitor'due south Guide to Ancient Egypt . Saffron Loma, London: Usborne Publishing. p. 29. ISBN0-7460-30673.
- ^ Lévai, Jessica (2007). Aspects of the Goddess Nephthys, Peculiarly During the Graeco-Roman Period in Egypt. UMI.
- ^ Najovits, Simson R. (2003). Egypt, Body of the Tree, Vol. I: A Modernistic Survey of and Ancient Land. Algora Publishing. ISBN978-0-87586-234-7.
- ^ Littleson, C. Scott (2005). Gods, Goddesses, and Mythology, Volume 4. Marshall Cavendish. ISBN076147563X.
- ^ Lévai, Jessica (2007). Aspects of the Goddess Nephthys, Especially During the Graeco-Roman Period in Egypt. UMI.
- ^ a b c "The Oxford Guide: Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology", Edited by Donald B. Redford, Horus: by Edmund S. Meltzer, pp. 164–168, Berkley, 2003, ISBN 0-425-19096-X
- ^ "The Oxford Guide: Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology", Edited by Donald B. Redford, p106 & p165, Berkley, 2003, ISBN 0-425-19096-X
- ^ Wilkinson, Richard H. (2003). The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Arab republic of egypt. Thames & Hudson. p. 202.
- ^ "Aelian, Characteristics of Animals, 10.14".
- ^ Meltzer, Edmund Due south. (2002). Horus. In D. B. Redford (Ed.), The ancient gods speak: A guide to Egyptian organized religion (pp. 164). New York: Oxford University Press, United states.
- ^ Allen, James P. (2005). The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Society of Biblical Literature. ISBN978-1-58983-182-seven.
- ^ New York Folklore Order (1973). "New York sociology quarterly". Vol. 29. Cornell University Press. p. 294.
- ^ Ian Shaw (2003). The Oxford History of Ancient Arab republic of egypt . Oxford University Press. ISBN978-0-19-815034-iii.
- ^ Piotr O. Scholz (2001). Eunuchs and castrati: a cultural history. Markus Wiener Publishers. p. 32. ISBN978-one-55876-201-5.
- ^ Roy G. Willis (1993). Earth Mythology. Macmillan. p. 43. ISBN978-0-8050-2701-3.
- ^ "Horus". Globe History Encyclopedia . Retrieved 2019-02-22 .
- ^ Wilkinson, Richard H. (1992). Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture. Thames & Hudson. p. 186.
- ^ Pommerening, Tanja, Die altägyptischen Hohlmaße (Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Beiheft 10), Hamburg, Helmut Buske Verlag, 2005
- ^ M. Stokstad, "Art History"
- ^ "Lady of the West". Archived from the original on 27 Jan 2010. Retrieved 18 Jan 2015.
- ^ a b Silverman, David P. (1997). "Egyptian Fine art". Ancient Egypt. Duncan Baird Publishers. p. 228.
- ^ Charles Freeman, The Legacy of Ancient Egypt, Facts on File, Inc. 1997. p. 91
- ^ "The Goddesses and Gods of Aboriginal Egypt". Archived from the original on four June 2010.
- ^ "Ancient Arab republic of egypt: the Mythology – Horus".
- ^ Scott David Foutz. "Theology WebSite: Etext Index: Egyptian Myth: The lxxx Years of Contention Between Horus and Seth". . Retrieved 18 January 2015.
- ^ Fleming, Fergus, and Alan Lothian. The Way to Eternity: Egyptian Myth. Duncan Baird Publishers, 1997. pp. 80–81
- ^ "Effigy of a Horus Falcon". The Walters Art Museum.
- ^ name="ReferenceA">Mythology, published past DBP, Chapter: Egypt's divine kingship.
- ^ te Velde, Herman (1967). Seth, God of Confusion: A Study of His Role in Egyptian Mythology and Religion. Probleme der Ägyptologie half dozen. Translated by van Baaren-Pape, Yard. Due east. (second ed.). Leiden: E. J. Brill. ISBN978-90-04-05402-8.
- ^ te Velde 1967, pp. 59–63.
- ^ Meltzer in Redford, pp. 165–166
- ^ Yoyotte, Jean, Une notice biographique du roi Osiris, BIFAO 77 (1977), p.145
- ^ Hymn to Osiris United nations-Nefer, Translated past E.A.Wallis Budge
- ^ Budge, E.A. Wallis ; 1901, Egyptian Magic, Kegan, Paul, Trench and Trübner & Co., London
- ^ "The Abydos Triad, Osiris, Isis and Horus, and Seth".
- ^ Roxburgh, Kevin. "Horus - Egyptian God Horus - Egyptian Mythology - Horus - Eye of Horus".
- ^ Eastward.A. Wallis Budge, Osiris and the Egyptian resurrection, Volume 2 (London: P. L. Warner; New York: G. P. Putnam'south Sons, 1911), 31.
- ^ a b Strudwick, Helen (2006). The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. pp. 158–159. ISBN978-1-4351-4654-9.
- ^ Wilson, Erasmus (January i, 1877). Cleopatra's needle: With cursory notes on Egypt and Egyptian obelisks. London: Brain & Company. p. 208. Retrieved half dozen December 2014.
- ^ a b Patricia Turner, Charles Russell Coulter, Dictionary of ancient deities, 2001.
- ^ H. W. Fairman. The Triumph of Horus: An Aboriginal Egyptian Sacred Drama. London, 1974
- ^ "MACROBIUS, Saturnalia – Loeb Classical Library". Loeb Classical Library.
- ^ Murdock, D. M.; South, Acharya (December 2008). Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection. Stellar House Publishing. ISBN978-0-9799631-one-7.
- ^ Cooper, William Ricketts (1877). The Horus Myth in Its Relation to Christianity. Hardwicke & Bogue. p. three.
jesus horus.
- ^ Ehrman, Bart D. (2012). Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Statement for Jesus of Nazareth. HarperOne. ISBN978-0062206442.
- ^ C Henderson, S Hayes, Debunking the Horus-Jesus Connexion, 2015, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996
- ^ Houdmann, South. Michael, Questions virtually Jesus Christ, WestBow Printing, 2013
- ^ Klar, Sonnen, Seeking Hard Testify for the Similarity of the Horus and Jesus Myths, Richard Dawkins Foundation
- ^ "British Museum notice". 23 Jan 2020.
- ^ "Jar, British Museum". The British Museum.
External links [edit]
- Britannica Online: Horus (Egyptian God)
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